ASES (After School Program)
Director: Madison Fuller
Phone: (209) 602-7165
Time of operation: 1:15 PM - 6 PM
Events: Family Dance on May 13th - The dance will be held from 3:00 P.M.-5:00 P.M. in the Cougar Den. Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be provided. There will also be a D.J. and a photo booth at no cost. Please RSVP for the event via the ParentSquare link sent to you via Director Madison Fuller.
Attendance Requirements: Students are required to attend daily, for at least the first hour of the program.
Student Pick-up:
Students need to get picked up no later than 6 PM.
TK and Kindergarten students must remain in the program until 2:15 PM on regular school days and 1:45 PM on minimum days. First, Second, and Third Grade students must remain in the program until 3:00 PM on regular school days and 1:45 PM on minimum days. Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade students must remain in the program until 3:25 PM on regular school days and 2:15 PM on minimum days
Three late pick-ups will result in an immediate dismissal from the ASES program.
Students who are authorized to walk home ("walkers"), must leave daily at their designated times (3:30 PM/4:30 PM). Walkers therefore may not be picked up after their designated walk home time.
Students may only be signed out by the individuals listed on the Emergency Contact list. Please be sure to regularly update the director of any pick-up changes.
Absences: Excessive absences may result in the student being dropped from the program.
Behavioral Policy:
Students must go directly to ASES after school is dismissed and follow the rules of both ASES and the regular school day. Disciplinary issues can lead to a student being suspended or dismissed from the program.
Please see the following disciplinary steps below:
1st Reflection Form: Warning
2nd Reflection Form: Loss of activity time (length of time depending on circumstances)
3rd Reflection Form: 1 day suspension & meeting with coordinator
4th Reflection Form: 2 day suspension & meeting with coordinator
5th Reflection Form: Dismissal from program