Birthday Celebrations - Suggested Food Items

Please contact your child's teacher at least 48 hours before you bring snacks or treats for your child's birthday.
The following food items are suggested as appropriate snacks or treats
For classroom events:
1. Juice Bars (with 50% juice)
2. Fruit juice with no added sugar
3. Fresh fruit
4. Fresh vegetables with low-fat dips
5. Sugar-free or reduced-sugar cupcakes or cookies (35% by weight)
6. Baked chips or reduced-fat chips
7. Yogurt treats
8. Bottled Water
9. Fresh fruit kabobs
10. Raisins
11. Trail mix without nuts
12. Graham Crackers
13. Milk – low fat
14. Applesauce with low-fat cottage cheese
15. Apples with cheese
16. Fruit smoothies
17. Pretzels
18. Popcorn
19. Items that have no more than 35% fat, 10% saturated fat, and 35% sugar by weight.
Partial List of Items NOT to bring to class events
1. Nuts of any kind
2. No Peanut Butter
3. Cupcakes
4. Cakes
5. Brownies
6. Ice Cream
7. Candy of any kind (except sugar-free)
8. Carbonated beverages (no sodas/soft drinks of any kind)
9. Regular chips
10. Cookies
11. Popsicles (juice bars with 50% juice OK)
12. Items predominately made of sugar
13. Electrolyte Drinks
14. Items that have more than 35% fat, 10% saturated fat, and 35% sugar by weight.
I hope this list helps clarify what can be brought to school. If you have any further questions, please contact the office at (209) 521-8664.
Parking Lot Rules

Please remember to learn and follow the established procedure for our parking lot.
Morning Drop Off: Please pull forward along the yellow curb as far as you can to drop off your child. This leaves room for others to enter the parking lot. Kindergarten students can walk back to their gate.
Afternoon Pick-up: Don't be in a hurry! Please remain in your car and a staff member will get your child to you. Use the dashboard card provided from the front office to help us quickly determine who you are picking up.
The outer lane is for looking for parking only. Please do not use this lane to cut in front of others, expect to have your child brought to you, or block the lane for ANY reason.
ALL cars must stop for students using the crosswalk in the school parking lot. Please be alert for students waiting to cross. All students coming to school MUST use the crosswalk system provided.
Reglas del Estacionamiento

Recuerde conocer y seguir el procedimiento establecido para nuestro estacionamiento.
Dejar a su hijo en la mañana: avance a lo largo de la acera amarilla lo más que pueda para dejar a su hijo. Esto deja espacio para que otros entren al estacionamiento. Los estudiantes de kindergarten pueden caminar de regreso a su puerta.
Recogida por la tarde: ¡No tengas prisa! Por favor permanezca en su automóvil y un miembro del personal le llevará a su hijo. Utilice la tarjeta del tablero proporcionada por la oficina principal para ayudarnos a determinar rápidamente a quién recogerá.
El carril exterior es únicamente para buscar estacionamiento. Por favor, no use este carril para adelantarse a otros, no espere que le traigan a su hijo ni bloquee el carril por NINGÚN motivo.
TODOS los automóviles deben detenerse ante los estudiantes que usan el cruce de peatones en el estacionamiento de la escuela. Esté alerta a los estudiantes que esperan para cruzar. Todos los estudiantes que vienen a la escuela DEBEN usar el sistema de cruce de peatones provisto.